Monday, 25 June 2012

Child abandonment in the UK - A NEGLECTED ISSUE

I read Mark Pack's article today on how we treat babies poorly when it comes to childcare. I was reminded of a paper I read whilst researching parental aggression whilst doing my Masters degree. It stuck in my mind because of the tragic waste of it all, so I wrote this.
Another tragic baby abandonment case
Recently, I read in the news that there was another tragic case of a baby being found abandoned, dead in Scunthorpe. As a member of the human race, I find this story absolutely tragic and distressing; a terrible waste of a life. Yet I find that it's an under reported problem in Britain today. There were in fact been THREE cases involving vulnerable young mothers and newborns in the same week. See
I wondered about three issues :-
1. Is there no safe place where babies can be left by those young mothers who for one reason or another are psychologically distressed, so that infants are not left on doorsteps, like the safe havens one finds in America and Europe?
Apparently, because it's against the law for babies to be abandoned, an end to the matter. No provision is made for persons in mental distress, vulnerable youngsters and the like. Disgraceful. The law on this issue hasn't been updated in many years.  C.f. Offences against the Person Act 1861
2. What guidelines do hospitals/the NHS have on this issue?
I found a useful paper on the subject in:-
Believe it or not, as of 2009 when the last study was done, there is "no specific UK national policy on abandoned babies." According to the 2009 study, neither do the Royal College of Midwives or the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists! Out of 170 health authorities, 3 had guidelines! I could find no update of the figures after 2009, which suggests that this issue may have been overlooked in the changeover from a Labour to our Coalition government.
3. What do the official statistics say about this issue?
Another black hole in the statistics, because they aren't collected as such. Believe it or not, in 2009 the writers of the above report couldn't even find a single national statistic quoting the number of abandoned babies discovered per year. As for studying the reasons why vulnerable mothers do this, again I could find no more recent studies of this tragic phenomenon. If anyone does know of any research in Britain (because other countries seem to be slightly more enlightened) I would like to hear about it.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Hydroelectric Power

In my first career, I was a qualified Geologist, before psychology took over my life. I keep seeing lots of media coverage of Wind Power and it's wonders, despite the fact that it's an expensive means of power generation, and I've also seen articles decrying Wave power as unsustainable without spending millions developing the technology. No-one I've seen has spent time praising the benefits of hydroelectric power. Basically, you need water and preferably a change in gradient, either from a dam or from water falling downhill in mountainous areas. Pardon me, but mountains and water are a huge potential resource in western parts of the British Isles. And what about Kielder Water?

How much does our power cost?

Here are some facts from Wikipedia on the cost of power generation:-
French energy costs for different generation technologies in Euros per megawatt hour (2011)
TechnologyCost (€/MWh)
Hydro power20
Natural gas turbines without CO2 capture61
Onshore wind69
Solar farms293

Germany - The following figures arise for the costs of electricity production in newly constructed power plants in 2010

Energy source
Costs of electricity production in euros per megawatt hour
34.7 – 126.7
Nuclear Energy
107.0 – 124.0
Domestic Gas
106.0 – 118.0
Black Coal
104.0 – 107.0
Wind Energy Onshore
49.7 –   96.1
Wind Energy Offshore
35.0 – 150.0
Solar Electricity
284.3 – 391.4

Where does our power come from?
In the UK - By 2004, total electricity production stood at 382.7 TWh (up 23.7% compared to 309.4 TWh in 1990), generated from the following sources:_
  • gas – 39.93% (0.05% in 1990)
  • coal – 33.08% (67.22% in 1990)
  • nuclear – 19.26% (18.97% in 1990)
  • renewables – 3.55% (0% in 1990)
  • hydroelectric – 1.10% (2.55% in 1990) - going down!
  • imports – 1.96% (3.85% in 1990)
  • oil – 1.12% (6.82% in 1990)
 I could only find one British example of how much we invest in hydroelectric power:-
The Scottish Executive has quoted a target of generating 17% to 18% of Scotland's electricity from renewables by 2010, rising to 40% by 2020. Apparently, this is mainly wind based. However, again from Wikipedia - the 100 MW Glen Doe project, currently under construction and Scotland's largest civil engineering project, is the first large scale scheme in Scotland for almost fifty years but is likely to be one of the last of its kind.

To put this in context: -
Scotland has 85% of the UK's hydro-electric energy resource,[25] much of it developed by the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board in the 1950s. The "Hydro Board", which brought "power from the glens", was a nationalised industry at the time although it was privatised in 1989 and is now part of Scottish and Southern Energy plc.At the end of 2011, there was 4,796 megawatts (MW) of installed renewables electricity capacity in Scotland, (1330 Mw from Hydroelectricity), an increase of 9.5 per cent (416 MW) on the end of 2010.

My research was hampered by the lack of recent figures for many of these technologies - for instance, will the cost of wind power  go down as more wind turbines are activated? However, it is apparent that:-
  • We are not investing in this area
  • It is comparatively cheap compared to other energy sources
  • Construction of reservoirs/power plants would bring jobs
  • We need more water storage facilities - an extra bonus, as are the leisure facilities this could provide.
  • It's green and clean and doesn't produce carbon dioxide
  • If Scotland can construct hydro, why can't we?
We need more clean, cheap energy! Why is this tried and tested form of power generation being ignored or sidelined?